Tuesday August 30, 2022 will now become a day that will go down in history books in regenerative medicine and in defense of our own personal freedoms. In a landmark legal case The United States of America vs California Stem Cell Treatment Center, Elliot Lander, M.D. and Mark Berman, M.D., Federal District Court Judge Jesus […]
Oxygen is the life-giving element that is essential for life on Earth. If you don’t believe this statement, try holding your breath for several minutes. The air we breathe in the atmosphere is 21% oxygen. We exhale 16% oxygen so the body only uses about 5% of the oxygen we breathe in. That’s why we […]
The picture above is a baby receiving inhaled nitric oxide gas at 30-40 ppb in order to treat his/her pulmonary hypertension. Nitric oxide as this dose is safe and very effective even in pre-mature infants. After more than 20 years in the nitric oxide field, I’m still amused at companies that market products they claim […]
We are constantly wearing ourselves out. We, as humans, are regenerative beings. We frequently replace cells that are damaged or become dysfunctional, especially when we are young. We get new rods and cones in our retina every two days. The skin you are sitting in is only six weeks old. Your liver is eight weeks […]
May is the month we celebrate Mother’s Day each year. Let’s face it, without our mothers, none of us would be here. Mothers sacrifice much of their lives to nurture, teach and raise the next generation. We must keep all mothers and future mothers healthy. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer are […]
Diabetes is a growing epidemic around the globe. In the United States alone more than 34 million Americans have diabetes. This represents more than 10% of the U.S. population. Of the 34 million, 7.3 million are undiagnosed. Another 88 million people over the age of 18 have pre-diabetes or 35% of the U.S. population. These […]
We’ve known for centuries that deficiencies in specific nutrients cause disease. This first became apparent in sailors making the trans-Atlantic voyage without any access to fruits. The sailors became sick and ill during the long voyage but upon consumption of oranges and other fruits enriched in Vitamin C, the sailors got better. Later research revealed […]
February is American Heart Month, a time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health. President Lyndon B. Johnson, among the millions of people in the country at that time who’d had heart attacks, issued the first proclamation in 1964. Since then, U.S. presidents have annually declared February American Heart Month. Despite the annual […]
It is the start of a new year. For years most Americans and people all over the world resolve to make changes to better their lives. These are the so called New Year Resolutions. People typically overeat during the Christmas holidays, don’t exercise, drink too much, stress too much and then get motivated to make […]
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death around the world. Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States dies of a heart attack. Nearly 700,000 people die in the United States each year from heart disease. More than 800,000 people have a heart attack each year and about 80% of these cases are a […]