Have you ever noticed the growing number of “syndromes” popping up in medicine?A syndrome is a list of symptoms that has no known cause, at least to the medical community.
One of the most common over the past few decades is METABOLIC SYNDROME. Metabolic syndrome is a specific set of symptoms and criteria including insulin resistance, central obesity, hypertension, elevated triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol.
In the United States, 1 in 3 adults have metabolic syndrome and it continues to increase. Globally, 1 in 4 or 25% of the world’s population has metabolic syndrome. This is an enormous statistic.
Patients exhibiting just one of these criteria are unhealthy and at risk for developing disease but having all five really puts your body at risk. Having metabolic syndrome increases your risk of heart disease by 300% and your risk of getting diabetes by 500%.
A recent report revealed that 88-93% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy meaning they have at least one or more but not all five of the criteria to meet metabolic syndrome. This to me may be the most striking statistic I have encountered.
Less than 10% of the U.S. population is fit and without any metabolic challenges. Although this really should not be that surprising to me. All we have to do is look around and just notice all the unhealthy and overweight people. I see it everywhere I travel.
Metabolism Is Converting Food We Eat into Cellular Energy
I hope to shed some light on this metabolic syndrome and provide you information and knowledge that you can and hopefully will begin to implement since based on the statistics, 9 out of 10 of you reading this are metabolically unhealthy.
When we speak of metabolism, this is referring to the conversion of the food we eat into cellular energy. Our body is designed to break down proteins, fat and carbohydrates into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is the energy currency of the cell that is required for every cell in the body to do its job.
Without ATP, our cells die and eventually when enough cells die, we die.
If we start at the first step in metabolism, we must provide our body with the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Different tissues have a different preference of energy source. For example, the heart muscle prefers fatty acids, the brain prefers glucose (carbs) but all tissues can adapt and create their own fuel source to make ATP if one becomes limiting.
Although we eat food from plants and animals and other sources, the human body is not designed to absorb or assimilate foreign proteins into human cells. We must first break down proteins into amino acid and then our cells use amino acids to produce our own human proteins.
Similar metabolism occurs for carbohydrates and fats. To break down protein into amino acids, this requires sufficient stomach acid production. Without stomach acid, protein from food is unable to be broken down into amino acids. With 2 out of 3 Americans using antacids, this disrupts the first step in metabolism or changing food into energy inside the cell.
In people that have gall stones or worse have had their gall bladder removed, they are compromised in their ability to break down fats and again interferes with metabolism.
The American diet is filled with simple carbohydrates and sugar. This means for most people the majority of their calories are coming from carbs and they are not getting quality fats and proteins from their diet and furthermore many people are unable to break down proteins and fats thereby disrupting normal metabolism.
Now considering all the dyes and preservatives in much of the food we eat, this can further compromise our ability to provide the cell with the basic nutrients for energy production.
Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome Are Associated with a Functional Loss of Nitric Oxide Production
All five of the criteria for metabolic syndrome are associated with a functional loss of nitric oxide production.
We need nitric oxide in order for insulin to work and for all cells in the body to take up glucose and clear it from the circulation. If our body cannot produce nitric oxide, we develop insulin resistance and have hyperglycemia and develop diabetes.
Nitric oxide is anti-inflammatory and when we lose the ability to produce nitric oxide there is an increase in the amount of inflammatory fat that gets deposited in the viscera or around your organs and waistline. One of the hallmarks of mice that cannot make nitric oxide is an increase in visceral fat that further reduces nitric oxide production. Restoring nitric oxide has been shown to reverse visceral fat deposition and overcome all symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
Obviously, loss of nitric oxide causes an increase in blood pressure since nitric oxide is the primary vasodilator molecule. Elevated triglycerides is a primary symptom of metabolic disorders and is associated with loss of nitric oxide production. One of my early discoveries and one of my issued patents the effects of nitric oxide on lowering triglycerides. In fact, we have shown that nitric oxide can reduce triglycerides by as much as 30% in as little as 30 days.
HDL cholesterol is necessary in order to maintain normal nitric oxide synthase production of nitric oxide by keeping the proteins intact within the cell membrane. Low HDL cholesterol and low total cholesterol disrupt normal nitric oxide production and lead to all the other criteria for metabolic syndrome.
Why We Shouldn’t Call Metabolic Syndrome a Syndrome
The science is very clear and we now have a clear understanding of what causes metabolic syndrome.
So maybe we should not call it a syndrome anymore.
We can accurately refer to it now as a collection of symptoms of nitric oxide insufficiency that is completely reversed and prevented by nitric oxide restoration.
Although nitric oxide is very powerful metabolic molecule, it cannot completely overcome poor diet and poor decisions. In order to improve our own metabolism, we must address each step in the process.
That starts with making good and healthy food choices. Eat clean meals with the majority of protein, healthy fats with a minimal amount of carbohydrates, unless of course you are an athlete that needs carbs for fuel during competition. However, most Americans are not active and therefore do not need excess carbs.
Giving Your Body What it Needs
Human metabolism is very well understood. Our bodies are designed to work as our creator intended. If we give the body what it needs and remove what it doesn’t need, then the body heals itself, converts food into energy and performs at peak levels.
However, when we do not supply our body with good clean food and we take medications that interrupt the conversion of food into energy such as antacids, antibiotics, antiseptics, then our body cannot create energy and we develop metabolic disease.
All of this disrupts nitric oxide production which then exacerbates the metabolic and inflammatory disease.
Products That Can Produce Nitric Oxide
If you have metabolic syndrome, by definition you need a product that produces nitric oxide. Your body has lost the ability to produce nitric oxide from L-arginine and dietary nitrate or any other activator or stimulator.
That is what my product technology does. If your body cannot make nitric oxide, then we have products that do it for you.
The last thing any American needs is a gummy or chew that is full of sugar that does not and cannot provide any source of nitric oxide. You cannot get nitric oxide from a gummy, chew or capsule.
Don’t be fooled by deceptive marketing. Trust the science and those of us that actually do the science and research. For discounts on our line of nitric oxide products use coupon code NSB10 at
Dr. Nathan S. Bryan is a biochemist and physiologist that has more than 20 years of basic science and clinical research. His many seminal discoveries have resulted in dozens of issued U.S. and International patents. He is an international expert in nitric oxide and molecular medicine. Dr. Bryan is an innovator and successful entrepreneur who product technology is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue worldwide. This content is not intended to replace medical advice from a physician.
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