It is Labor Day weekend in the U.S. which means several things. It is the end of summer, kids are back to school and it is the beginning on influenza and other viruses season.
Collectively this creates a perfect storm for infectious and contagious disease outbreaks.
People spend more time indoors and kids from all walks of life spend 8 hours per day in close quarters exactly at the time flu season hits. I’ve received dozens of phone calls and email over the past couple of weeks asking about what steps people can take to keep their kids healthy so they don’t get sick at school.
There has been a virus going around central Texas and likely other places the past few weeks and it appears COVID is making a come-back. If there is one lesson we have learned over the past four years, it is we have learned what works to keep people healthy and resistant to viral infections and we have certainly learned what does not work.
Therefore, I thought it would be timely to focus this month’s blog on ways to keep your kids, your family and yourself healthy this fall and free from any illness.
Actually, these principles should be practiced year-round but we should be especially vigilant this time of year.
The majority of the health problems this time of year is due to respiratory virus or viruses that are spread through personal contact that affect primarily our respiratory system.
The Majority of Health Problems at This Time of Year Are Due to Respiratory Viruses
These are viruses like influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) that affects young babies, corona virus, rhinovirus and a few others that we constantly deal with in the U.S. Although they are different by name, severity and sometimes symptoms, the mechanism of transmission, infection and illness is pretty much all the same, although with some differences in specificity.
Airborne viruses are spread from one person to another by close contact, sneezing, coughing, contamination by an infected person’s bodily fluid such as drinking after someone, using same material others have touched, etc.
The virus typically enters our body through our mouth or airways. It is there, the virus attaches to our epithelial cells in our sinuses and upper airways. Once attached, it enters the human cells through specific transporters. Usually, each virus has its favorite transporter. Once inside the cell, the virus highjacks the cells and starts producing millions of copies of itself.
It is here that is rapidly replicates, spreads to other cells, becomes systemic and that is what makes us sick with fever, runny nose, body aches, cough, etc. However, our body’s immune system is designed to quickly respond to virus attachment to the epithelial cells and prevent it from penetrating into the cell and even if it penetrates entry into the cell, our immune system can quickly respond and shut down its replication and propagation throughout the body thereby preventing us from getting sick.
The Hierarchy of Symptoms of Respiratory Viruses
It is important to pay attention to our body. Our body is always talking to us letting us know what is going on. We just have to pay attention and listen. There is a hierarchy of symptoms that arise at different stages of exposure to and infections by respiratory viruses.
If we are exposed to something foreign in our upper airways, our body immediately tries to get rid of it. It does this through secretion of mucous to try to clear the pathogen from our sinuses. This is the runny nose.
If it does a little further down in the airways, our body develops a cough to try to clear the pathogen, or expectorate it out of the body.
If the virus becomes systemic, we develop a fever to try to kill it with heat. Most viruses cannot withstand a temperature above 110 degrees. Obviously, our body is not designed to get a fever of 110 but we do still get effective killing with temperature of 100-103.
What does this mean? It means if you start to develop a runny nose, it is your body telling you, I need some help to get this foreign invader out of my body.
At this stage you can use a nety pot with warm saline (0.9% sodium chloride). Try to heat the water to 105-110 degrees. You can also put some colloidal silver into the nety pot. If you have an ozone generator, you can even ozonate the saline to provide much more effective killing of the virus.
I also like the nebulized silver sprays to spray into your nostrils. Do not take a medicine for runny nose or a decongestant. This is the body’s normal defense and you do not want to prevent your body from doing its job.
If you wait until you have a cough, then this tells us the virus has already penetrating deeper in the lower airways and it has progressed.
First, do not suppress the cough. Taking cough medicine for a cough is one of the worst things you can do. You are basically stopping your body’s main defense to clear the pathogen. Your body is already trying to kill it but it needs help if you don’t want to get sicker.
At this stage, you need to fortify your body’s immune system. I recommend the following taken every day: 50mg zinc, 10,000 units of liquid Vitamin D, humic and fulvic acid, 5000 mg Vitamin C, Iodine (12.5mg) and one nitric oxide lozenge every 6 hours. Since high dose zinc has been shown to deplete your body of copper, I also recommend taking an oral copper supplement.
If you develop a fever with body aches and pains that means the virus has penetrated your defense system and is now inside your body wreaking havoc and making you sick. At this stage, you are just going to have to wait it out and let it runs its course.
Stay isolated so you don’t infect anyone else. However, you can speed up the process by taking the regimen above and even sitting in an infrared sauna at 160 degrees for 20-30 minutes. When inside the sauna, take deep breaths through the nose. This will elevate core temperature and mimic a fever to help in killing the virus.
Get outside and get some sunlight. The best disinfectant is sunlight. Take your clothes off and get sunlight on as much of your body as you can for 20-30 minutes.
All of the above is very effective but it is reactive. As most of you know, I practice an approach of being proactive so we never have to be reactive. So do not wait until you have runny nose, cough, fever, aches and pains to do something.
Start everything I mentioned above now to fortify your body so that it can respond to the original exposure and attachment and you never get sick. However, during a daily maintenance phase reduce zinc to 15mg per day instead of 50 but you can continue all the other regimens at the doses above.
Nitric Oxide Is Key to a Good Immune System
It seems there are some people out there that get sick every time a virus comes in contact with them. These are the people that are nitric oxide deficient.
Let’s review how nitric oxide is key to a good immune system.
Once the virus attaches, our immune system is notified and then the immune cells have to become activated and mobilized to go to the site of infection. Think about a house fire. Once a small fire starts, you call the Fire Department. The firefighters get dressed, get their gear, get in the fire truck and race to the fire.
What if there is a traffic jam and all lanes of traffic are jam packed and nothing is moving? By the time the fire truck arrives, the damage is done and it is too late.
That is what happens with people who cannot produce nitric oxide. The circulation is compromised so the immune cells are slow to respond to reach the site of virus attachment. By that time the virus has already entered the cells and started replicated out of control.
Furthermore, the immune cells’ ability to produce nitric oxide are compromised so they can’t produce sufficient nitric oxide to shut down the virus replication further.
Also, in people that are nitric oxide deficient, they have an upregulation in specific receptors that are targets of common viruses. The best example is the ACE receptor for COVID binding and attachment. If you are nitric oxide deficient or are taking an ACE inhibitor, this leads to an upregulation in the ACE receptor providing more targets for a coronavirus to see and attach.
If you replete and restore nitric oxide, you down-regulate the ACE receptor not allowing any site of attachment for the virus.
Same concept applies to other receptors to other viruses. If your body is already inflamed, then there is an upregulation of these receptors and that is one of the reasons why some people always get sick and others do not.
Nitric oxide suppresses inflammation and down regulates a number of receptors and adhesion molecules on endothelial and epithelial cells.
Bottom line is if you do not want to get sick, you better make sure your body has sufficient nitric oxide.
What Doesn’t Work to Fight Against Respiratory Infections
Just as we have learned what works for acute respiratory infection, we also know what does not work. See the list below.
1. Avoid wearing masks. Masks do not stop viral transmission but they do interfere with oxygenation making you more susceptible to getting sick from infection if your body is not in optimal shape and fully oxygenated.
2. Avoid all vaccinations. We’ve certainly learned that the COVID shot does not protect from infection, transmission, sickness or death. In fact, it increases your risk of infection, transmission, sickness and death. The seasonal flu vaccine provides very little protection if any at all. No one can predict what strain of influenza will be the predominant strain this year so they guess and make a vaccine against one of the many. Furthermore, I do not trust any vaccine at all. They cause a disruption to the immune system and I believe make you more susceptible to infection. My family and I avoid all vaccines, even for our kids and my elderly parents.
3. Avoid mouthwash, antibiotics and hand sanitizers. We have learned that a healthy microbiome is absolutely essential for our immune function. We destroy our microbiome to our own demise. Instead take a pro-biotic and fortify your microbiome. Play outside in the dirt.
4. Avoid cough medicine, fever reducers (unless of course a fever above 104), runny nose medication and decongestants.
Not only is there scientific and clinical evidence that the above is effective, I have used this protocol now for many years. I have not been sick with a viral infection in more than 20 years.
In fact, the last time I lost a day of work due to illness was in 2003 when I took my last flu vaccine in Boston when I was a post-doctoral fellow and because I was required. I made a vow back then that I would never take another vaccine again. I have not and I have not been sick since.
The human body is extremely resilient and a beautiful creation. Give the body what it needs and get rid of what it doesn’t need and it will work for you and keep you healthy. So, this Fall take steps to be pro-active and do not buy into the fear tactics by the media. Stand strong and do not waiver. Stand up and resist any and all mandates.
After all we are the land of the free and home of the brave. Be Brave so we can remain FREE. God Bless you all.
For information on the supplements I recommend above, please visit these websites below.
Nitric oxide lozenges:
Liquid Vitamin D3/K2:
Iodine, humic and fulvic:
Copper and silver supplements:
Infrared sauna and ozone generator: (use coupon code Love NO2U for discount)
Dr. Nathan S. Bryan is a biochemist and physiologist that has more than 20 years of basic science and clinical research. His many seminal discoveries have resulted in dozens of issued U.S. and International patents. He is an international expert in nitric oxide and molecular medicine. Dr. Bryan is an innovator and successful entrepreneur who product technology is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue worldwide. This content is not intended to replace medical advice from a physician.
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