Every year for centuries the late fall and early winter begins the seasonal influenza season. Each year for decades, there are between 20 and 50 million cases of influenza illness in the U.S. alone. The lone exception was late 2020 and early 2021 when very few flu cases were reported as shown above. Never in […]
Every day our body is bombarded with an infinite number of insults. These come from the foods we eat, the air we breathe, electro-magnetic fields, water we drink and bathe in, prescription drugs, vaccines and other things. Despite these many insults, there are only three finite responses from our body. These three finite responses are: […]
Lack of energy or chronic fatigue is one of the major chief complaints and reasons for visiting a health care practitioner. Many doctors will classify this as a syndrome, which really means they don’t know the cause nor how to treat. After all, how can you treat something that you don’t know the cause? Energy […]
Summer vacation is coming to an end which means that kids are back in school. Whether you have kids still is grade school, high school or college, or have grand children in these schools, we all have the primary responsibility as parents to keep our kids safe. There are still many unknowns about how COVID […]
July is the heart of summer in North America. It is the time of year we, as Americans, celebrate our Independence and Freedom. It is the time of year we take family vacations and enjoy the great outdoors, spending quality time with family and friends we may not have seen in a while, especially due […]
June is the month we honor our dads with Father’s Day and the beginning of summer. Our health is our greatest asset. Without good health, we cannot enjoy life or participate in activities with our kids or loved ones. Cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer of men and women worldwide. In many Americans, the […]
The figure A is a patient with ischemic, non-obstructive coronary artery disease. Whereas the major blood vessels supplying the heart muscle are fine, the small microvessels are not present or are dysfunctional do not supply adequate blood to the working heart muscle. This occurs more than twice as often in women than men. In Figure […]
In the image above, the spinach on the right is fertilized and has sufficient nitrate. The spinach on the left is unfertilized and is missing many nutrients, including nitrate. Fertilized vegetables grow taller and are darker green. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine is famously quoted “Let food by thy medicine and medicine by thy […]
Nitric oxide (NO) products have become very popular over the past 10 years. In fact, if you search nitric oxide products you get over 35 million results in just 1.08 seconds. So how do you know which product may be best for you? This is not easy since in the dietary supplement space, every label […]
February is recognized as Black History Month. In 1976, President Gerald Ford recognized Black History Month as a nationally celebrated event to be observed every February so this year marks 45 years of this annual celebration. In the words of Carter G. Woodson, an early historian who advocated such recognition, “What we need is not […]