As we enter the season of Lent, I thought it pertinent and timely to focus on fasting for this month’s blog topic. We typically consider fasting as the deliberate and voluntary practice of abstaining from food or drink for a period of time. Fasting has been practiced for centuries for religious, spiritual, and therapeutic purposes. […]
February is American Heart Month so I felt it appropriate and timely to launch my latest book, The Secret of Nitric Oxide: Bringing the Science to Life. The fact that cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer of men and women worldwide today, is simply unacceptable. The science is clear on what causes cardiovascular disease. […]
Well, we made it another year. Every new year starts with resolutions. What is a resolution? Resolution means a firm decision to do or not to do something, or the quality of being determined or resolute. A New Year’s resolution is a tradition in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired […]
December is the time of year where Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. Approximately 2.38 billion people practice some form of Christianity globally. This means that about one-third of the world’s total population is Christian. December is also time of celebration in Judaism, Hanukkah. The name “Hanukkah” means “to […]
November is the time-honored tradition of Thanksgiving celebrated throughout the United States. An annual thanksgiving holiday tradition in North America was first documented in 1619 in Virginia on December 4, 1619, when early settlers landed in Virginia. The original charter declared, “that the day of our ships arrival at the place assigned for plantation in […]
September is National Childhood Obesity Month in the United States. However, given the severity of this issue, I think every month should be devoted to awareness of childhood obesity and its resolution. I must admit, it makes me angry to see fat kids eating junk food and their parents being OK with it. I think […]
Labor Day marks the unofficial end of Summer in the U.S. In Texas and the South, we look forward to cooler temperatures as we endured another hot Summer. However, working outside in the Summer does the body good. Physical activity that increases heart rate, increases breathing and causes a sweat is our natural way of […]
I just completed reading Sugar Crush by my good friend and foot surgeon Dr. Richard Jacoby. This book was published back in 2015. It contains a lot of really good and useful information. It inspired me to devote this month’s blog to the problem of sugar consumption and the havoc it is wrecking on the […]
The emerging fields of longevity and biohacking are gaining enormous traction. The goal is to hack our own biology using diet, lifestyle and different modalities to improve our health and extend our lives living free of disease. You can spend your entire life’s earnings doing this or you can focus on a few of these […]
June marks the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere and many people will be outside in the sun. Which one of the above pictures are you? Do you use sunscreen or avoid it like I do? From a 2022 survey, most Americans don’t use sunscreen or sunblock regularly. The survey reveals that 13% of […]