February is American Heart Month so I felt it appropriate and timely to launch my latest book, The Secret of Nitric Oxide: Bringing the Science to Life. The fact that cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer of men and women worldwide today, is simply unacceptable. The science is clear on what causes cardiovascular disease. We know how to diagnose it early and technology exist to treat, prevent and cure cardiovascular disease. So why then is medicine still doing what has been done for the past 30 years and expecting different results? Instead of chasing cholesterol, which does not cause cardiovascular disease, lets instead focus on endothelial function and nitric oxide production. Everything that leads to the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease including poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, poor oral hygeine, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc all disrupt nitric oxide production and signaling or occur as a consequence of a lack of nitric oxide production.
My motivation for writing this book is to bring global awareness around nitric oxide. In this book, I present the history of the discovery of nitric oxide. I reveal the real science about how nitric oxide is produced in the human body and what causes the body to lose its ability to naturally produce this important gas that signals many important biological processes. The book is also part auto-biographical where I chronicle my many years in science and research. I recount the many discoveries that my research group made and how one discovery led to another based on thinking a little bit differently based on previous observations. I also reveal the many personal and professional challenges and hurdles I had to overcome. My hope is that my story can help inspire and motivate others to stay in the fight, follow your dreams and never, never, never give up. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. I have published hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers, abstracts and edited several medical and scientific textbook but I have realized that the lay public does not read the scientific literature and most health care practitioners fail to keep up with the literature. Now my approach has changed. I want to educate and inform the world through this book. I have broken down the complex science of nitric oxide into easily digestible content that anyone can grasp, comprehend, understand and most importantly, take action today to maintain healthy nitric oxide levels.
The book will officially launch on Monday February 24. That day I will be on 32 live TV shows being interviewed all over the major markets across the U.S. I hope you will tune in. I encourage you to purchase the book and educate yourself and your family and friends on the importance of nitric oxide. Gift the book to friends and family who may be dealing with chronic health issues that have been unresolved with conventional medicine. The timing could never be better. This new administration is focused on making America healthy again and healthcare is one of their top priorities. There is momentum and I ask for your help in getting this very simple message out to as many as we can. Your body cannot and will not heal or perform at its highest potential without sufficient nitric oxide. My greatest honor, praise and compliment on my book comes from the guy who started the field, Dr. Louis J. Ignarro. Dr. Ignarro was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on discovering that nitric oxide is a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Without Dr. Ignarro, his work and discoveries, nitric oxide would not be where it is today. Below is a quote from Dr. Ignarro after reading my book.
“The Secret of Nitric Oxide: Bringing the Science to Life is a must read for anyone interested in improving their overall health and living a longer and more productive life. As Dr. Nathan Bryan clearly points out, there’s one miracle molecule in your body that is largely responsible for your health and longevity…NITRIC OXIDE. The discovery of this molecule, also known as NO, has revolutionized our understanding not only of cardiovascular disease but also many other chronic diseases including dementia, gastrointestinal disorders, and erectile dysfunction. Your body produces NO and it is essential that you live a lifestyle that promotes the production and action of NO. This includes a healthy diet and physical activity. Dr. Bryan provides extensive and convincing evidence that certain nutritional supplements, which he terms “nitriceuticals”, can boost the production of your own NO in the body, which can prevent and even reverse numerous chronic disorders.
In this fascinating and timely treatise, Dr. Bryan opens up and shares intimate details about himself and his journey, and his accomplishments and heartbreaking setbacks both in science and in life on his “rollercoaster ride” up and down the road to his remarkable success as a scientist and entrepreneur. In addition to teaching us about NO and all of the therapeutic benefits of this miracle molecule, the one lesson to be learned from the author is that one key to success is never giving up no matter what obstacles lie in your path. The emotional stories behind Dr. Nathan Bryan’s success portray a person who is dedicated and committed to developing and marketing NO supplements and products that he believes will improve your health and extend your longevity. Long live NO.”
Lou Ignarro
1998 Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology or Medicine
We have political tail winds in our favor as well. U.S. Congressman Pete Session from the 17th Congressional District of Texas has a glowing review of my book, “The Secret of Nitric Oxide: Bringing the Science to Life by my good friend, Dr Nathan S. Bryan is an exception work on the emerging science of nitric oxide. The timing of this book is perfect as this administration begins to tackle the health challenges of most Americans. Nitric oxide is certainly part of the solution. Dr. Bryan has spent decades in research and discoveries and now is able to reveal to the world the benefits of this simple molecule. Dr. Bryan is a National Treasure.”
This has been a more than 2-year project with many changes to ensure that this work becomes the “go to” source for anyone wanting to learn about nitric oxide. My intent is to maintain the integrity of the science of nitric oxide so consumers, patients and health care practitioners can make informed and educated decisions on the best nitric oxide products for them, their family and/or their patients. As the awareness and demand for nitric oxide products increases, many companies and many products will emerge on top of what is already on the market. I hope after reading this book, you will be armed with the information and education so you are able to discern what is real and what is not based on real science.
I need your help. Please follow me on social media (see links below). Please subscribe to my YouTube channel @drnathansbryanNitricOxide. Please buy this book and educate yourself. Ask your local bookstore to stock this book. If you enjoy the read and get benefit from my book, please leave a review on google or amazon. If you have a favorite podcaster, please recommend they have me on. Share the book with your doctor, your local politicians and especially those in the Federal government. You can purchase the book during our pre-sale period prior to Feb 24 using the link I cannot do this alone and that is why I ask for all of your help. We can and we will change the face of healthcare and change the world. It starts now and it starts with us. I appreciate each and every one of you who takes time to read my blogs and supports my efforts. I especially wish to thank my agent Alan Morell and Creative Management Partners and my publisher J. Boylston Brick Tower Press for believing in this project and making it a reality.
You can find my nitric oxide products at Use coupon code NSB10 for a discount.
Dr. Nathan S. Bryan is a biochemist and physiologist that has more than 20 years of basic science and clinical research. His many seminal discoveries have resulted in dozens of issued U.S. and International patents. He is an international expert in nitric oxide and molecular medicine. Dr. Bryan is an innovator and successful entrepreneur who product technology is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue worldwide. This content is not intended to replace medical advice from a physician.
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