The start of a new year always brings about resolutions. The top 10 resolutions from 2019 were 1. Diet or eat healthier (71%) 2. Exercise more (65%) 3. Lose weight (54%) 4. Save more and spend less (32%) 5. Learn a new skill or hobby (26%) 6. Quit smoking (21%) 7. Read more (17%) 8. Find another job (16%) 9. Drink less alcohol (15%) 10. Spend more time with family and friends (13%). The top 3 and 5 out of the top 10 have to deal with health and living healthier and better. We know statistically that people typically don’t stick to their resolutions. Polls reveal that only about 8% of people achieve their new years’ goals and 80% fail by February. This is a remarkable statistics because if you can’t make and stick to changes that can positively affect your health and quality of life, then you won’t be able to spend time with your family or friends, find a new job or do anything else. Gym memberships increase by 50% in January but within the first 6 months of a new membership, 50% of these people quit.
I think the reason people fall off their paths and fail at their resolution is that they fail to see results or fail to understand what their body needs to perform optimally to then combat sickness and disease. The truth is your body cannot and will not heal or perform at its true potential until you restore the production of nitric oxide. In fact, it is why eating a healthy diet is good for you. It is why exercise is good for you. Your metabolism will not work until you improve nitric oxide. I think if more people understood what nitric oxide is and how important it is for their body and overall health, they would do the things that either prevent loss of production or increase its production.
Nitric oxide controls blood flow and oxygen delivery to every cell in the body. It is what is responsible for managing blood pressure. Two out of every three people in America have an unsafe elevation in blood pressure and most of these people are on multiple medications that do not adequately manage their pressures. If only these folks would do the things that would improve their nitric oxide, their blood pressure would normalize and they could get off medications that make them feel awful. Loss of nitric oxide is what is responsible for erectile dysfunction in both men and women. Loss of nitric oxide is why people tire easily or are unable to maintain an exercise regimen. Loss of nitric oxide is what is responsible for cardiovascular disease, the number one killer of men and women worldwide. If this does not get your attention, then no one can help you. You must first help yourself and this begins with education and understanding of what it takes to make your body healthy and free from sickness and disease.
So you want to be different and stick to your resolutions so you can enjoy life, feel good and healthy to be able to spend quality time with your friends and family. I recommend some very simple steps to help you achieve whatever goal you set for 2020.
Four easy steps to improve your nitric oxide
- Take a clinically proven and patented nitric oxide supplement or nutritional product. This is important because if your body can’t make nitric oxide, you need a product that can do it for you.
- Get at least 20 minutes of moderate physical exercise 3-4 times per week. This can include a brisk walk, push ups, sit up or anything to increase your heart rate. This will help stimulate your body’s own production of nitric oxide
- Work in a few more green leafy vegetables with each meal. Green leafy vegetable are rich in antioxidants and dietary nitrate. Your body can utilize the nitrate to make nitric oxide.
- Utilize an infrared sauna 2-3 times per week. Our bodies build up toxins that then shut down nitric oxide production. Infrared light stimulates the release of nitric oxide and generates heat so your body sweats and eliminates toxins.
Three easy steps to avoid to improve your nitric oxide.
- Avoid using antiseptic mouthwash. Mouthwash kills the good oral bacteria that generate nitric oxide from nitrate. Mouthwash has been shown to increase blood pressure and eliminates the benefits of exercise.
- Quit smoking. Smoking is horrible for your body and contains toxins that shut down nitric oxide production
- Avoid sugars and refined carbohydrates, this includes breads and specifically sodas. Sugar is toxic to the body and too much sugar damages the enzyme that makes nitric oxide.
So whatever your resolution is for 2020, please take time to understand and educate yourself on the importance of nitric oxide. Once you understand how important it is for the body, you cannot help but take steps to maintain its production and availability in the body. When you do this, you will find that it is much easier to stick to a dietary pattern and maintain an exercise regimen. Your body will thank you for it. Make 2020 your best year yet!