The Ultimate Biohack Stack

The emerging fields of longevity and biohacking are gaining enormous traction. The goal is to hack our own biology using diet, lifestyle and different modalities to improve our health and extend our lives living free of disease. You can spend your entire life’s earnings doing this or you can focus on a few of these that are scientifically valid and clinically proven to work. However, nothing will work if you continue to eat a bad diet and don’t get sufficient exercise. Diet and exercise are the key but including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), products that extend telomeres and the addition of glutathione will make everything else you are doing work better. These certainly are not the only effective biohacks, but if I were to pick my top 3, these would be the ones.
Hyperbaric oxygen is using high pressure, usually 1.3- 3 atmospheres to increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the liquids inside our bodies. This pressure is the equivalent of diving to 20-30 meters (60-90 feet) in water. In terms of pounds per square inch, this would equate to 20-40 psi. When you fly in an airplane, the cabin is pressurized once it reaches altitude. This cabin pressure is about 12-14 psi. HBOT is based on Henry’s law in physics which states that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is equal to the partial pressure of the gas exerted on the surface of the liquid. By increasing the atmospheric pressure in the chamber, more oxygen can be dissolved into the plasma than would be seen at surface pressure. Interestingly, HBOT works to improve oxygenation independent of the oxygen transported by hemoglobin. There are many clinical indications for which HBOT has shown safety and effectiveness. These include: Severe anemia, brain abscess, bubbles of air in your blood vessels, known as arterial gas embolism, burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, crushing injury, sudden deafness, decompression sickness, gangrene, infection of skin or bone that causes tissue death, nonhealing wounds, such as a diabetic foot ulcer, radiation injury, skin graft or skin flap at risk of tissue death, and vision loss. The mechanism of action of HBOT is through the oxygenation of tissue, production of nitric oxide and the mobilization of stem cells. The mobilization of stem cells is dependent upon the body’s ability to produce nitric oxide. That’s why it is so important that you take nitric oxide prior to HBOT or make sure your body can produce nitric oxide upon demand.
However, low oxygen just does not occur in these conditions. Low oxygen or hypoxia occurs in all major chronic diseases. If we can prevent hypoxia and maintain normal oxygen levels and healthy mitochondria, then we can avoid chronic disease. HBOT addresses one of the contributing factors that lead to the onset and progression of chronic disease, low oxygen levels. Hyperbaric chambers are commercially available. Soft sides that go up to 1.3 atm you can purchase for less than $10,000. The hard side chambers can go up to $100,000. There are many clinics popping up for HBOT that you can use for about $100 per treatment. Consider this an investment in your health and in your future health.
Telomeres are the ends of our chromosomes that can become shorter with each cellular replication. There is an enzyme called telomerase that when it is active, it prevents telomere shortening. This is important because the data reveal that the shorter your telomeres, the shorter your life span. Longer telomeres mean longer lifespan. We must focus on preventing the shortening of our telomeres. Interestingly, nitric oxide is required for telomerase expression and for the enzyme to become active. Without nitric oxide, telomerase enzyme is not present and not active and your telomeres become progressively shorter. Recently it was revealed that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), drugs used an antacids for reflux, increase the rate of telomere shortening. This is because these drugs completely inhibit nitric oxide production, preventing the regulation and activation of telomerase enzyme. There are also plant based molecules that activate telomerase and have been shown to prevent telomere shortening. These products are from TA65 and I’ve been taking that product for many years now. Focusing on nitric oxide and the TA65 product will address your telomeres and keep you living longer.
Glutathione is the major antioxidant molecule in our body. It is a water-soluble molecule that buffers oxidative stress. Glutathione delivers a multitude of noticeable health benefits by detoxifying free radicals from the body and defending against future oxidative stress. A few of its benefits are: supporting liver health and detoxification, improving athletic performance and speeding up recovery, boosting immune function, increasing energy, improving sleep and reducing toxins. When we run out of glutathione or we begin to oxidize our glutathione, then we run into trouble. Glutathione is a peptide made up of 3 amino acids, glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. Most peptides, including glutathione are broken down in the stomach so taking a glutathione capsule or swallowing a glutathione product will cause it to be broken down into the three amino acids and then your body has to manufacture glutathione again from those three amino acids inside the cell. There are topical glutathione products directly absorbed through the skin or liposomal glutathione that is absorbed sublingually. Glutathione is also a required co-factor in the production of nitric oxide. Furthermore, once nitric oxide is produced, it binds to the cysteine amino acid of glutathione and this newly formed molecule, S-nitrosoglutathione transports the nitric oxide molecule and extends its biological half-life from 1 millisecond out to tens of minutes and hours. Without sufficient and optimal levels of glutathione, we have oxidative stress, decreased NO production, shorter telomeres and onset and progression of disease. I’ve been taking a topical glutathione, Glutaryl from Auro Wellness, every day that I apply over my liver every night before I go to bed. I also take a liposomal glutathione that I place under my tongue for buccal absorption from Quicksilver Scientific.
Maintaining a healthy diet in moderation with intermittent fasting, at least 30 minutes of physical exercise daily, daily nitric oxide, glutathione, telomere activators and occasional HBOT to improve tissue oxygenation is a great way to improve your health and extend your lifespan. There is not greater investment than in your health. Develop the discipline and create new habits that create great health. These are just a few of the scientifically validated and clinically proven strategies.
Start with nitric oxide. You can find my nitric oxide products at Use coupon code NSB10 for a discount.
If you are interested in learning more about Biostacking Longevity, please come see us at The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas on Dec 12 for our pre-conference workshop on this subject.
Dr. Nathan S. Bryan is a biochemist and physiologist that has more than 20 years of basic science and clinical research. His many seminal discoveries have resulted in dozens of issued U.S. and International patents. He is an international expert in nitric oxide and molecular medicine. Dr. Bryan is an innovator and successful entrepreneur who product technology is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue worldwide. This content is not intended to replace medical advice from a physician.