Spirituality: Living to Serve

December is the time of year where Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. Approximately 2.38 billion people practice some form of Christianity globally. This means that about one-third of the world’s total population is Christian. December is also time of celebration in Judaism, Hanukkah. The name “Hanukkah” means “to dedicate” in Hebrew. Approximately, 85% of the global population identify with some type of religion. Religion is defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods. It has long been established that there is an association between religion and health. Those that believe in a higher being tend to have better health and better recovery from illness. For me, as a Catholic Christian, the focus on mind, body and spirit is a daily practice that I believe is absolutely essential for sanity, good health and a purpose.
Regardless of your individual religion or belief, science reveals that all humans are energetic, meaning that we are animated by a “force”, a “spirit”, some form of energy. This dates back more than 2000 years ago to the days of Galen, the Greek physician who described “pneuma”, meaning breathe of life or a spirit, as an internal force that provided life. The concept of pneuma is actually addressed in the Bible. In Romans 8.1-27, within this single passage pneuma is used nineteen times in reference to the Holy Spirit perceived either as Person or as God-given Power. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, again dating back more than 2000 years, the concept of chi, or “vital energy” originated. I have written and published articles for years now, suggesting that nitric oxide is “pneuma” and “chi”. This can explain the physical science of these ancient and time-tested concepts. That is why I call one of my companies, Pneuma, where our products can provide and restore this essential pneuma, nitric oxide. However, there is certainly more to spirituality that is not explained by science.
As a scientist, I have always separated my religious beliefs from the principles of science. After all, science is objective based on observations and data. Faith is almost completely opposite. It is believing without sight or objective proof. In the book of John, the scripture reads “Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.” Spirituality is learning to see life as that as not always visible. This will allow you to perceive the invisible, and it will give you the strength to do the impossible. In the book of 2 Kings, the scripture reads “Things are there when you can’t see them, present but invisible.” Not coincidental that I have spent my entire professional life studying an invisible, colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. However, if we become perceptive, we can sense. The notion of a “gut feeling” is a real thing. For me and for most Christians, this is the Holy Spirit speaking to us. We must follow our gut, listen to our body and become more perceptive.
Regardless of personal beliefs, which religion you follow, our lives will all be better if we believe in something greater than ourselves and live a life of service. The most important dates in any life are the day you are born and the day you realize WHY you were born. Waking up every day with a purpose and a clear meaning to your life is transformative and fulfilling. People who live with depression have no sense of worth or meaning in life. For many people, the holiday Christmas season is a time filled with sadness, self-reflection, loneliness, and anxiety. I encourage everyone to self-reflect, know that you are here for a reason, find your purpose and live a purpose driven life focused on serving others.
I’ve been blessed and very fortunate. I have a strong faith. I know my purpose and recognize that the time we have on Earth is really very short and we must make the most of each day. I start each day with prayer, being thankful for the gifts I’ve been given. I take my nitric oxide to replete my pneuma, chi and vital force. I pray for strength, courage and wisdom and for the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct my life. I use the Hallow app which is a great resource and provides structure. If this is not part of your daily routine, I highly recommend it. I constantly fail but I try to be better each day. During this Holiday season, remember the reason for the season. Take time to volunteer, serve others, especially those who may not be as fortunate as us. Most of all, strengthen your relationship with God and be thankful. No matter how bad you think you have it, it could always be worse. Merry Christmas and make 2025 your best year yet.
Be on the lookout for my latest book which will be out in February, “The Secret of Nitric Oxide; Bringing Nitric Oxide to Life”
You can find my nitric oxide products at www.n1o1.com Use coupon code NSB10 for a discount.
Dr. Nathan S. Bryan is a biochemist and physiologist that has more than 20 years of basic science and clinical research. His many seminal discoveries have resulted in dozens of issued U.S. and International patents. He is an international expert in nitric oxide and molecular medicine. Dr. Bryan is an innovator and successful entrepreneur who product technology is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue worldwide. This content is not intended to replace medical advice from a physician.
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