Well, we made it another year. Every new year starts with resolutions. What is a resolution? Resolution means a firm decision to do or not to do something, or the quality of being determined or resolute. A New Year’s resolution is a tradition in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their behaviour at the beginning of a calendar year. This practice dates back nearly 4000 years ago. What are we going to do or change to make this year a better year than last? Every year, the top new year resolutions are to lose weight, get in shape, get organized, quit smoking, make more money, etc, etc. On average, 80% of New years resolutions fail by the second week of February. With these statistics that hold true every year, why even make New Year’s Resolution? Let me propose something different. How about a New Day Resolution each day for 365 days?
I think most people have really good intentions and mean well. Obviously evil exist in this world and there are certainly people with ill intent. However, for those with good intentions who make resolutions for the New Year, why do 80% fail within 6 weeks? I believe people fail for 3 reasons:
- They do not have a plan to achieve their resolution
- They do not execute their plan on a daily basis even if they have one
- They do not have a timeline or milestones established to measure their progress
Furthermore, a year is a long time so most people will procrastinate and put off tomorrow what should and can be done today. That’s why I recommend making a resolution every day for 365 days. There are only 24 hours in a day and hopefully 8 of those hours are spent sleeping so there are only about 16 hours to execute a plan and be held accountable. So if you want to make more money this year, what is your daily plan to accomplish that? If you want to lose weight, what is your daily plan to accomplish that? If you do not have a daily plan, then you will not and cannot resolve to do anything. That is step number one. If you have a plan, the plan may be good or your plan may be poor. I know people who plan for everything but their plan is poor and not effective. Even though they execute their plan, they still do not get where they want to be or achieve what they hoped to achieve. They executed their strategy but their strategy sucked. Then thirdly, if there are no milestones or effective dates to measure your progress, then you will likely not be held accountable to your own plan and execution.
The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. If you want to lose 20 pounds this year, then you have to create a plan to lose one pound every 3 days. Each day you wake up, resolve to skip breakfast, practice a 18 hour fast every day, reduce or eliminate carbohydrates and processed foods. Eat good quality protein and fat and spend 2-5 minutes doing high intensity interval training or 20-30 minutes of brisk walking every day. This is a scientifically and clinically proven plan. All you have to do is execute this plan and be disciplined to stick to it. Don’t just say I want to lose 20 pounds this year, do it. This is just one example of a plan for one resolution.
Whatever you resolve to do this year, create a plan. Have someone who has achieved what you resolve to do review your plan to ensure it is an effective plan. Once you feel good about your plan, DO IT. Wake up everyday, plan your day and make time to do it. Each day is a New Day Resolution. A year is too long, a day is short. If you hold yourself accountable every day, at the end of the year, you will have accomplished likely far more than you thought possible.
I know this works because personally this is what I have done for the past 15 years or longer. Each day I wake up between 5 and 6 am and plan my entire day. What do I have to do before noon, what must I do before 5pm and what can I do before bed? I start each day with gratitude and prayer. God knows I need a lot of help. Most mornings I wake up to texts, emails or voicemails with messages from people who let me know they are praying for me. If I am praying and other people are praying for me, then I refuse to fail. I cannnot fail. I must be held accountable. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20. My driving forces are fear of disappointment and fear of hurting other people’s feelings. I recognize this about myself and fortunately or unfortunately it drives my decisions. Each of us are driven by different motivations. Fear is the most motivating factor on Earth but fear does not have to be a bad thing as long as it does not debiliate you, and if it is what motivates you. We are reminded in Isaiah, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.“ At the end of the day, I reflect back on the day and evaluate what I did or did not do. Obviously things happen unexpectedly that interfere with my plan on a daily basis but I know that I have tomorrow to make it up and do better. I still have more days to achieve my resolution. All of us have many more days in life than we have years. Take daily accounting of your life rather than yearly accounting.
I feel more optimism and confidence going into 2025 than I have in years before as long as I can remember. I hope you do to. If not, then maybe it is time to rethink your New Year Resolution and create a New Day Resolution every day. We are not promised tomorrow so make sure you make the best of every day you live. Today is called the Present because each day is a Gift from God. Don’t waste it.
Be on the lookout for my new book The Secret of Nitric Oxide: Bringing Nitric Oxide to Life that will launch in February. We will have presales of books in the coming weeks.
You can find my nitric oxide products at Use coupon code NSB10 for a discount.
Dr. Nathan S. Bryan is a biochemist and physiologist that has more than 20 years of basic science and clinical research. His many seminal discoveries have resulted in dozens of issued U.S. and International patents. He is an international expert in nitric oxide and molecular medicine. Dr. Bryan is an innovator and successful entrepreneur who product technology is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue worldwide. This content is not intended to replace medical advice from a physician.
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