A Huge Win for Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine and Our Personal Freedoms

Tuesday August 30, 2022 will now become a day that will go down in history books in regenerative medicine and in defense of our own personal freedoms.
In a landmark legal case The United States of America vs California Stem Cell Treatment Center, Elliot Lander, M.D. and Mark Berman, M.D., Federal District Court Judge Jesus Bernal ruled in favor of the stem cell clinic chain Cell Surgical Network and the other defendants.
The FDA had been seeking permanent injunction against them in an attempt to end all stem cell treatments in the U.S.
Stem Cell Therapy Is the Future of Medicine
Stem cell therapy is the most effective, yet disruptive form of medical therapy in modern times.
Humans are regenerative organisms. When we have an injury, the cells in our body have the ability to go the site of injury and repair and replace injured dysfunctional cells to make the tissues and organs functional again. That is the job of stem cells that are found naturally in our bodies and can become any cell type that is necessary.
For the past decade, there have been numerous clinical trials showing safety and efficacy of taking autologous (obtained from the same individual to whom they are administered) stem cells and injecting back into the patients. This type of therapy has been shown to be very effective in degenerative joint disease, heart failure, stroke, spinal cord injury, neurological disease and many other poorly managed chronic illnesses.
It is no doubt the future of medicine and how patients are treated.
Drug Companies Pushing Back Against Stem Cell Therapy
As you may imagine, this type of therapy is very disruptive to drug therapy and the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture and sell drugs.
The notion that patients may select stem cell therapy as a treatment option rather than take a pill or drug for the rest of their lives will certainly affect the bottom line of all drug companies.
Unfortunately, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that regulates and enforces drugs and medical therapies is many times unduly and corruptively influenced by billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies. Any persons or companies that seek alternative treatments to drug therapy then become a target of investigation and demonized in the media.
We witnessed this first in 2019 when the federal courts ruled in favor of the U.S. Department of Justice for summary judgment against US Stem Cell Clinic LLC, of Weston, Florida, and US Stem Cell Inc., of Sunrise, Florida, and their Chief Scientific Officer Kristin Comella, Ph.D. The court held that the defendants in that case adulterated and misbranded a stem cell drug product made from a patient’s adipose tissue.
This week’s ruling has the potential to overturn the previous rulings based on a new legal precedence.
We Can All Harness the Power of Our Stem Cells
So what does this mean?
This ruling allows us as individuals to harness the healing power of our own endogenous and resident stem cells and use our own cells to heal our own bodies of chronic disease. This ruling goes far beyond the use of stem cells by defending our rights to use stem cells for the prevention and treatment of any disease or ailments, especially when drug therapy is unsafe and ineffective in the treatment of many chronic diseases.
In fact, this is how the human body is designed to work.
The more we understand about biochemistry and physiology, the better we can design and develop safe and effective treatments. What is more natural than using the healing power of our own cells and body?
I have had my own stem cell harvested and deployed back into my body with amazing results.
Fighting for Fundamental Truths
All of us working in the medical sciences, regenerative medicine and physicians who treat patients owe our sincere gratitude to Mark Berman, Elliot Lander and Sean Berman for fighting for us.
They had the courage, the tenacity and the unwavering fortitude to take on the fight of their personal and professional lives. They were demonized in the media, their medical licenses put at risk and this fight costs them millions of dollars in legal fees, years of distress and many sleepless nights.
However, after speaking with Elliot and Sean, the years of fighting was well worth it. Victory at last and a victory that will change the world. After all, they were fighting for fundamental truths.
As Arthur Schopenhauer famously stated “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
Mark, Elliot, Sean and all of us in regenerative medicine have personally witnessed all three stages. They withstood the ridicule and violent opposition and now realize what they do as being validated as self-evident.
Here’s to you Mark Berman, Sean Berman and Elliot Lander, you crazy misfits. The world owes you a resounding thank you and congratulations. I know Mark is smiling down from heaven and his fighting spirit is with all of us.
Very few of us have a chance to leave a lasting legacy on mankind and when we witness it, it is awe inspiring.
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
– Steve Jobs
I encourage anyone who is reading this to ask your physician about stem cell therapy, especially if you have a poorly managed medical condition.
And remember, any regenerative medicine therapy is enhanced with nitric oxide. Restore your nitric oxide levels so your own stem cell can perform better.
Learn more about nitric oxide and its important for our health: