The picture above is a baby receiving inhaled nitric oxide gas at 30-40 ppb in order to treat his/her pulmonary hypertension. Nitric oxide as this dose is safe and very effective even in pre-mature infants.
After more than 20 years in the nitric oxide field, I’m still amused at companies that market products they claim deliver nitric oxide. As we celebrate our Nation’s Independence this month, I thought it only appropriate to set the record straight on nitric oxide product technology so we can also celebrate independence from ignorance and shed the light on many companies with deceptive marketing and in some cases outright fraud.
Independence From Nitric Oxide Ignorance
Let’s start with the physical chemistry of nitric oxide.
When produced in the body at normal temperature and pressure, NO is a gas. Once produced it only survives for less than a second. During that very short time, it binds to receptors, modifies proteins and enzymes, kills viruses and bacteria, promotes oxygen deliver and initiates a number of cell signaling events.
That is how nitric oxide works. Therefore, our body has to continuously produce this molecule upon need in order to keep everything working properly.
The fundamental question in science and medicine is how to recapitulate nitric oxide signaling and production when administered in the form of a supplement or medicine.
The only FDA approved indication for the use of nitric oxide is for pre-mature babies born with pulmonary hypertension. This is due to under-developed lungs in pre-mature babies that causes an unsafe increase in pressure within the lungs. When nitric oxide is delivered through inhalation, the nitric oxide causes dilation of the pulmonary arteries and reduces blood pressure causing an improvement in oxygenation. This also allows for all parts of the lungs to be perfused (adequate blood supply) to take up oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide, the major problem with pulmonary hypertension.
All of this happens without causing an unsafe drop in systemic blood pressure. However, we now know that there are systemic effects of inhaled nitric oxide which include protection from heart attack and stroke, reduced inflammation and can even compensate for insufficient nitric oxide production from the enzyme that normally makes it.
Knowing this, if we generate nitric oxide in the airways or in the mouth or anywhere systemically, then this will have similar systemic effects as delivering nitric oxide gas through a medical device or in a clinical setting.
Products That Generate Nitric Oxide Gas in the Human Body…and Those That Don’t
Now that we understand how the hormone effects of nitric oxide work, we can develop product technology that actually generates nitric oxide gas in the human body.
We can do this in the form of a lozenge that releases nitric oxide gas as it is dissolving in the mouth.
We can do this through powder forms that when dissolved in water and taken as a shot generate nitric oxide gas.
There is really no other way to deliver nitric oxide outside a clinical setting. That is the basis for my research and innovations over the past 20 years.
Now comes the confusion.
There are many companies that sell powders you dissolve in water and consume that are marketing as nitric oxide products. I’ve tested most if not all of these products and they do not generate or produce any nitric oxide whatsoever. They may provide and contain some good ingredients but they are not nitric oxide products.
Many companies sell liquid ready to drink products that are marketed as nitric oxide. Nitric oxide cannot survive in liquid form. Furthermore, if the product generated nitric oxide, the gas would be produced within the container and would cause an increase in pressure and may even cause the bottle to explode or bust open. I’ve never seen this in a commercial product so suffice it to say that any liquid product will not deliver nitric oxide.
Similarly, gummies and chews are a popular form factor now in supplements. Beets in the form of gummies/chews are popular. Gummies and chews are moist hydrated gels that cannot support nitric oxide. As a result, products in the form of gummies or chews cannot and will not provide any nitric oxide benefit. I’ve tested these products and there is no detectable nitrite or nitrate in these products and they there is no nitric oxide that can be detected from them even when consumed.
If you have purchased any of these products, you should return them and demand a full refund. This is the only way these companies will be held accountable for deceptive trade practice.
Products that contain L-arginine or L-citrulline are useless.
Our body makes these amino acids at sufficient levels to maintain nitric oxide production. The problem is the enzyme that converts L-arginine to nitric oxide becomes uncoupled and is no longer able to support that reaction. We have to fix the enzyme, not supplement more L-arginine. Beet root products typically do not provide sufficient nitrate or nitrite to produce any appreciable nitric oxide.
Furthermore, people taking antacids or using mouthwash are unable to utilize nitrate to make NO. Unfortunately, that is most Americans.
Stop Trusting Advertising and Start Demanding Real Science
It is really no surprise or mystery why Americans are some of the sickest and most unhealthy people on planet Earth. Mass marketing by big companies for products that do not work and in many cases promoting products that make you sicker is what Americans buy.
We have to stop trusting advertising and start demanding real science.
Nitric oxide is now an established scientific field that is growing in popularity and awareness. As a result, many companies will try to capitalize on this trend and market products as nitric oxide.
Please remember, nitric oxide is a gas. It is not contained in any product. Most products contain pre-cursors in the hope that your body can convert those pre-cursors into nitric oxide. The problem with most Americans is that they can’t so those products are useless.
Products That Actually Generate and Release Nitric Oxide
Then there are products that actually generate and release nitric oxide when consumed or when dissolved in water. Those are the products that I make. If your body cannot make nitric oxide, we do it for you.
With more than 20 years in nitric oxide research, hundreds of publications, dozens of patents and a history of innovations in nitric oxide research, my commitment to you is that I will always provide you products that provide nitric oxide.
I will also continue to expose and call out products that do not work and companies that promote these products. This has resulted in several lawsuits from one company against me and my companies for exposing the truth. I am prepared for the fight. I will not back down. As written in scripture in John 8:32 “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.
My primary objective is and has always been to provide you with science and education so you can make informed decisions.
My objective is not to sell you product. However, I know people are looking for real solutions that work that can improve their health. For the most up to date information, continue to visit this website and blog.
You can also visit the pages below for education information and for products that actually work.