It is the start of a new year.
For years most Americans and people all over the world resolve to make changes to better their lives. These are the so called New Year Resolutions.
People typically overeat during the Christmas holidays, don’t exercise, drink too much, stress too much and then get motivated to make changes come January.
Every year, the top new year resolutions are to lose weight, get in shape, get organized, quit smoking, make more money, etc, etc. On average, 80% of New years resolutions fail by the second week of February. These statistics have been consistent for decades.
Habits Become Automatic After 66 Days
Why do people consistently resolve to do things they don’t stick to? The answer is resolutions do not work. You must create new habits. To create new habits, you must develop discipline and routines.
Habits, especially good habits are hard to get started but once developed become routine and part of your everyday life.
Research shows that on average, it takes approximately 66 days for a habit to become automatic. Statistics reveal resolutions fail in about 45 days but if you can stick it out and form new habits for an additional 3 weeks, these actions and habits become automatic and part of your daily life.
That is how you make real progress and make changes that will change your life.
I go to the gym every week, every month of every year. I’ve done this for decades now. Every year in January, the gyms are full and it is hard to find an open machine or treadmill. I do not get discouraged because I know come February, the gym will be empty again with plenty of open machines.
We live in a society where people want instant gratification. It takes time and hard work for any real progress and most people give up before they see results.
Discipline and consistency that develop into routine are required for any new habits that lead to real change. It doesn’t matter if it is lose weight, get in shape, get organized, quit smoking or making more money.
Forming Habits Is Simple, Not Easy
Losing weight and getting in shape are the simplest resolutions or habits to achieve, yet most people fail.
It is simple, not easy. It comes down to diet and lifestyle.
After 2 years of a pandemic, health and well-being are top priority. It literally has become an issue of life or death. If you are healthy, you don’t get sick. If you are unhealthy, you get sick and can die.
We must change our diet and we must exercise.
There is no such thing as a one size fits all diet. Every person is different and responds differently to different diets.
Whatever the diet, portion control is the key. Do not overfill your plate and do not go back for seconds. Every person‘s metabolic profile is different and require different types of exercise to optimize results. Most people who are unhealthy are toxic. Toxicity makes it difficult to exercise and suppresses any real results.
I’ve said this many times but people are unhealthy or sick for two reasons and two reasons only:
- People are missing essential nutrients needed for the body to heal and perform
- People are exposed to toxins that inhibit the body to heal and perform
If you want to improve your health, create habits that address these two fundamental issues. This takes discipline, consistency and routine.
Creating Habits That Supplement Missing Nutrients & Remove Toxins
We’ve known for decades that the food we eat is deficient in many essential nutrients such as iodine, selenium, magnesium, chromium, nitrate and many other vitamins and minerals. Your cells cannot do their job if they don’t have what they need.
Therefore you MUST supplement to account for what is missing in your diet. Below I provide a list of supplements that I take daily and have for years. These are products that I have researched and trust, but most importantly that work (products can be found at
- Restore Powder by Tennant products – This single scoop of powder contains everything the body needs to make a cell that works properly.
- Humic and Fulvic acid by Tennant products – these two liquid products are biproducts of plant compost and contain natural ionic minerals.
- Lugols Iodine Plus by Tennant products – Iodine is needed for proper thyroid function and is needed to make stomach acid. The only dietary source of iodine is from iodized salt and from sea weed. As a results 95% of Americans are deficient in Iodine. No wonder there is an epidemic of thyroid disease.
- Nitric oxide and/or nitrate supplementation to ensure my cardiovascular system can deliver the nutrients I take.
We remove toxins through our urine, feces, sweat and breath. To remove toxins, you must do the following:
- Remove all root canals and clean up infection – root canals are infected and cause many systemic problems.
- You must sweat – exercise is best. If you are not sweating while you exercise you are not working hard enough.
- Use an infrared sauna – this provides light therapy but also generates heat so you sweat out toxins. Take 750 mg niacin 20 minutes prior to sauna to help liberate fat soluble toxins.
- Drink, cook and bathe in good clean water. There is no substitute for pure, clean water. Shoot for drinking at least half a gallon of purified water every day. Avoid drinking municipal water. This will get your kidneys working great to help dilute and excrete toxins
- Take fiber every night before bed – This will bulk up your stool and help absorb and eliminate toxins in your stool.
- Practice deep breathing exercises – take 10 deep breathes at least 3 times per day
This may seem overwhelming but it is quite simple. If you wait until you have time to make these changes, it will never happen.
You must make time, have discipline, be consistent to develop a routine. Once it becomes routine, it is part of your daily life. Your body will thank you for it.
Give up the resolutions that don’t work. Work to create new habits that will work for you.