When I wrote my March blog a month ago, the U.S. had just been affected, then Spring Break happened and that seems to spread the virus like a wild fire. As of March 2, 2020, when I wrote my blog, there were less than 100 cases of Corona virus in the U.S. and zero deaths […]
Every year, there is an outbreak of influenza and millions of people get sick and many people die each year from the flu. In 2019, it is estimated that more than 12,000 people died from influenza in the United States. As of March 2, 2020, there have been less than 100 cases of Corona virus […]
Every February we celebrate Heart Health Month as a way to bring awareness around cardiovascular disease. This concept began back in 1963, over a half century ago to encourage Americans to help in the battle against cardiovascular disease. Since the 1960s the age-adjusted rate of deaths from cardiovascular disease has declined. However, it still remains […]
The start of a new year always brings about resolutions. The top 10 resolutions from 2019 were 1. Diet or eat healthier (71%) 2. Exercise more (65%) 3. Lose weight (54%) 4. Save more and spend less (32%) 5. Learn a new skill or hobby (26%) 6. Quit smoking (21%) 7. Read more (17%) 8. […]
Statistically, death from heart attacks are highest in December and during the winter holiday season than any other time of the year. In fact, Christmas Eve is the worst day of the year for heart attacks, with risk rising nearly 40 percent. More specifically, research showed that most heart attacks hit around 10 p.m. that […]
I recently attended and lectured at an International Forum on Nutritional Medicine in Beijing China. The theme of the conference was ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders in kids. Back when I was born in the early 1970s rates of autism were roughly 1 in 10,000. Today it is 1 in 59 kids and if these […]
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Cancer remains one of the top killers of Americans despite billions of dollars in research devoted to cancer treatment and prevention. I’ve witnessed first-hand the barbaric treatment of cancer patients with chemotherapy and radiation and how it destroys all cells in the body. Current cancer treatments have not cured […]
Over the past 6-7 years it has become apparent that acid reducing drugs (antacids) may be causing more harm than good in millions of patients that take them every day. These class of drugs were first approved by the US FDA in 1989 for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). They were approved to be taken once […]
As the summer is coming to an end and kids are going back to school, adults try to get back into some sense of normalcy and routine. We have touched many people with information and education about the vital role of nitric oxide is for the human body. So important, in fact, that your body […]
July is the month we celebrate our nation’s Independence. Many will celebrate with a back-yard BBQ with friends and family and many will be on the beach, lake or a body of water somewhere. We all will be out in the sun. It is very important that we get the benefits of the sun while […]